Lexington Land Use Plan and Ordinance Update

Market: Civic

Service: Community Planning

The Town sought to update their land development regulations in conjunction with an update to the Town’s land use plan (completed by Boudreaux for the Town of Lexington). The Town has experienced negative impacts related to growth, especially traffic congestion, and also wanted to create the conditions for high-value neighborhoods to flourish.

Stewart was responsible for updating the Town’s land development regulations and consultation to the update of the Town’s land use plan. The team provided input to the Future Land Use Map and character areas, and updated the zoning districts to achieve the goals of the revised land use plan. Areas of particular focus included increasing readability, user-friendliness, and administrative simplification, and creating character rich zoning districts.

The project team had to be nimble and responsive to Town leadership and public input in order to coordinate a land use plan vision and goals update with a concurrent land development regulation update.


Town of Lexington


October 2020


July 2021

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